- Hawai‘i Conference
Why a Living Wage? Watch Panel Discussion
The Justice and Witness Missional Team of the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ, in partnership with Raise Up Hawai‘i, hosted a panel discussion to share about the need to increase the minimum wage in Hawai‘i to give workers a Living Wage, or what Chair Linda Rich calls a "just wage—because it's an injustice if we're giving people a wage that continues to keep them in poverty."
Before the presentation of facts and figures, Associate Conference Minister Valerie Ross shares the biblical basis for a Living Wage and why we, as people of faith, should be concerned about this issue. "As Christian brothers and sisters, we're called to have a different relationship with money than our capitalist society dictates. God's command of Sabbath ensured a balance of life and equality in society. That's what this Living Wage issue is all about for me."
Rev. Ross refers to the Living Wage resolution, written by the Rev. Brandon Durán of Central Union Church, that the 197th ‘Aha Pae‘āina of the Hawai‘i Conference United Church of Christ affirmed in 2019.
Living Wage advocate Nate Hix takes us deeper into the facts and figures to make the case for a wage raise. Student and worker Jhoe Rosales shares his personal testimony of what a Living Wage would mean for him.
Currently, a minimum wage worker in Hawai‘i makes $10.10 per hour. With inflation and Hawai‘i's high cost of living, this is not enough to live in Hawai‘i. "Raising the minimum wage to a livable level—a Living Wage—would give Hawaiʻi's consumer economy a massive boost while giving Hawaiʻi's working families the financial opportunity to thrive here in our island home." (Source: raiseuphawaii.org/our-vision)
Connect with organizations working toward a Living Wage:
Attend March 8 Living Wage Rally at the Hawai‘i State Capitol Register HERE
LEGISLATION - SUBMIT TESTIMONY via capitol.hawaii.gov
Wednesdays from 4:00-5:30 p.m. in Honolulu (Kapi‘olani Blvd. + Ward Ave.)
Thursdays from 4:00-5:30 p.m. on O‘ahu (new location every week; follow Raise Up Hawai‘i for details)