Give a gift to the Hawai‘i Conference
The Hawai’i Conference UCC supports the mission of our local churches and the United Church of Christ. Use the "Donate" buttons below to securely send a tax-deductible donation through PayPal using your debit or credit card.
Friends of the Conference
Friends of the Conference is the annual giving fund of the ministries of the Hawai‘i Conference. By being a Friend of the Hawai‘i Conference, you can help us more fully share God's love and justice for all by training church leaders and ministers; providing resources to congregations in search of a pastor or doing church development; creating experiences for youth and young adults to develop faith and leadership skills; and working with partners locally and globally to speak and live out God's word.
Hawai'i Disaster Relief Fund
Gifts to the Hawai'i Disaster Relief Fund allow the Conference to respond quickly and efficiently to both large and small natural and human caused disasters throughout our islands. Grants from this Fund are intended to support emergency relief efforts immediately following a disaster, as well as early recovery and/or long-term recovery work. Grant amounts and availability will vary depending upon need and existing resources. Donations are tax-deductible and 100% of the funds go directly to disaster relief and recovery in Hawai'i.
Henry Ōpukaha‘ia Scholarship Fund
The Henry Ōpukaha‘ia Scholarship Fund supports the training of clergy for Christian mission by providing financial aid for seminary students who have in-care standing with their association and continuing education funds for active ministers.
He Waiwai no na Ekalesia Fund
The He Waiwai no na Ekalesia Fund provides qualifying congregations with grant assistance to support major renovations, repair, or new building projects costing over $50,000.
Give Aloha, Foodland's Annual Community Matching Gifts Program that occurs every September, allows customers to donate up to $249 to each participating non-profit organization. A number of HCUCC churches participate in the Give Aloha program.
The Richard Kamanu Memorial Fund has been established by the Kamanu 'ohana and the Hawai'i Conference to honor the memory of our beloved friend and Associate Conference Minister, who passed away in October 2020. According to the family's wishes, the memorial fund is to be:
Used to develop music for the church, with an emphasis on youth.
Available to all Hawai'i Conference congregations.
Administered out of the Hawai'i Conference office.
UCC Disaster Relief
UCC Disaster Ministries provides lifesaving relief to survivors of natural and human-induced disasters worldwide. When donating money for disaster relief, you can designate funds for a specific disaster or give "undesignated dollars" (money not designated for a specific disaster). Undesignated donations are highly encouraged because they allow the United Church of Christ to focus on the most vulnerable communities. One hundred percent of funds designated for disaster relief to the UCC are used for disaster relief and rehabilitation programming.
Vesper Maile Ito Fund
This fund provides scholarships to enable youth and young adult participation in events such as the UCC National Youth Events, ‘Aha Youth Events, and UCC Western Regional Youth Events. The fund was created in memory of Vesper Maile Ito who enjoyed participating in many of the youth activities but died in a tragic vehicle accident the summer before her senior year of high school.

Our Church’s Wider Mission (OCWM) is the name we use to describe the work we do as the United Church of Christ beyond the local church–through our Conferences, national ministries, and UCC-related institutions.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) is the relief, refugee and development fund of the United Church of Christ.
Strengthen the Church grows the UCC’s future by funding new church starts and invigorating existing congregations, nurturing lay and pastoral leadership, and building youth and young adult ministries.
Neighbors in Need (NIN) is a special mission offering of the UCC that supports ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States.

The Christmas Fund (formerly the Christmas Fund for the Veterans of the Cross) makes a critical difference in the lives of people who have faithfully served the church. It provides pension and health premium supplementation to low-income retirees, emergency assistance to families of clergy and lay employees, and Christmas gift checks to hundreds of annuitants.
Send a check made out to "HCUCC" along with a note specifying the ministry you would like to support.
700 Bishop Street, Suite 825
Honolulu, HI 96813
Shop at AmazonSmile and support the Hawai‘i Conference. Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to support Conference ministries. Use this link.
Mahalo! Thank you!