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Pastor Shares Pride Prayer

Hawai‘i Conference

Though Hawai‘i celebrates PRIDE in October, in the spirit of national pride month this June, Rev. Brandon Durán of Central Union Church shares this prayer that he wrote which was inspired by a prayer crafted by Rev. Megan Rohrer, the first transgender bishop of a mainline Christian denomination.

God of star and sparrow, street and soul,

Be palpably present with us when we dance, curl up, or enjoy the sensations of creation you declare good.

Help us to see and celebrate our fabulousness and the fabulousness of others.

Give us a voice to articulate truth, to advocate for the disheartened, and to silence the cacophony of negativity, shame, or injustice.

When we are weary, remind us that we are not alone, Christ grew weary too. And weariness is merely a step on the way to renewal.

When we are enraptured, remind us that you are found in vibrant joy and diverse colors.

When we have all that we need to live fully, help us to share with others who lack.

In this season of authenticity and affirmation, and in every season, we pray for your kin_dom come.

You reign where purposeful work is enlivened with compassion.

You reign where welcome and embrace overcome fear and bigotry.

You reign where the Holy Spirit liberates us from bias, leads us to deeper truths, and teaches us love ourselves as we are and as we are becoming.

You desire that all might have life and have it abundantly.

Your will be done.

Stir us so that we would be ready for your will.

Ready to sing so that all may see just how broad and beautiful you made the world.

Ready to move so that world will see how inclusive you are and how inclusive we all can be.

Ready to act so that barriers placed in front of our LGBTQ kin can be brushed aside.

We will proclaim the victories love has won.

We will not hide who you have made us to be:

Peacemakers, storytellers, refractions of your grace, allies, change agents, and worthy of love.

God of hearts and heavens, seas and celestial bodies.

Be tangibly present with us when we promenade, when we nestle in, and when we enjoy the good you created around us and within us.



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