Larry Walter shares initial thoughts of General Synod 34 in poetic reflection
Larry Walter (Hawai‘i Island Association; Committee on Ministry) shares this poetic reflection based on the theme of General Synod 34, "Making All Things New", from Isaiah 43:18-19.
In these days the prophet has stood in the midst of the people and has said: ‘Hear the word of God:”
Behold, I am doing a new thing ~ do you not perceive it?
Do not fear, Deserts shall flow with life giving water; you shall have life and have it abundantly.
Listen to what my beloved are telling you about who they are ~ open your ears that you may hear their songs of joy and their cries of despair.
Look upon the beauty of my beloved who stand before you ~ open your eyes that you may see that I dwell with them.
Transform your sacred heritage into a sacred future ~ I am still speaking!
I do not want your sacrifice ~ I want your love.
You are blessed ~ you are forgiven ~ you are redeemed!
Thus, the voice of the Holy One has been heard in the midst of the people.
Let the people of God say, “Amen!”