Kaua‘i Association Gathers for Fall Mokupuni, Worship and Celebration
Hawai‘i Conference
On Sunday, November 6, First Marshallese UCC Church in Waimea hosted the 2022 Fall Mokupuni of the Kaua‘i Association (KAUCC). This mokupuni signaled a return to the joyful face-to-face KAUCC gatherings of the pre-COVID era. While a Zoom option was provided, many Kaua‘i church representatives attended in person for worship, fellowship, food and music afterward. Guest Marshallese pastors and JRD representatives from Oregon and Oklahoma, and from O‘ahu Association COM, also attended in person. The Kaua'i Association is deeply grateful to First Marshallese UCC for their extravagant welcome to our mokupuni churches!
Photos courtesy of Phoebe Liu-Eng and Kyle Lovett.
