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  • Hawai‘i Conference

Ben Sheets Installed as Pastor of Lāna‘i Union Church

‘Aha O Nā Mokupuni ‘O Maui, Moloka‘i A Me Lāna‘i (formerly known as the Tri-Isle Association) held their winter meeting on Saturday, February 11, at Iao United Church of Christ in Wailuku, Maui. On the agenda was the installation of Ben Sheets as pastor of Lāna‘i Union Church. Ben began serving as pastor of the only union church on Lāna‘i in early 2021. He shares, "I am excited to serve at Lāna’i Union Church because of its rich culture, deep sense of community, and its desire to minister to the wider island community."

Clergy of the Association

The Lāna‘i Union Church Kosraean choir sing at the installation service

Pastor Ben and his family


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