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General Synod 2017: Sunday, July 2 Blog Posts

Read an article summarizing Day 3 of General Synod, written by Eric Anderson, Pastor of Church of the Holy Cross in Hilo.

Dr. William Barber Inspired us to turn the language and words of our faith into action and carried us through the both faith and historical events which exposed where we have allowed the world's language to incorrectly tell what gainful and right living looks like. He was sooo inspirational.


The large group of folks looking into the tests for authorized ministry is very helpful for the life of our congregational search for pastoral leadership. The UCC IS commuted to discover how the need for pastoral leadership, especially in our smaller is being taken very seriously.


93% support of the resolution that requests each congregation consider becoming a refugee welcoming congregation. Perhaps this affirmation might also challenge our Hawaiian churches to reconsider how we might relate to the Marsalese people suffering greatly among us as well offering hope to many of our congregations.


Learning how to measure the vitality of you church


- Glenn Frazier

I was not able to film this part so I will type it:


A2A means “accessible to all”. Churches acknowledged as an A2A church are prepared to service most disabilities in their church. Only 11 churches in the UCC are acknowledged as A2A. To become an A2A church visit the website for a checklist of what is required and the next steps you, as the local church, can take to publicly announce you are accessible to all!


- Josh Weible

Enjoyed tonight's plenary way more than expected. I am so proud to be a part of a generation that is so involved, and I'm proud to be a part of a church that allows them to be. Thank you for respecting us and acknowledging the value in our opinions.


- Laura Young

Listening to General Minister and President John Dorhauer addressing today's Western Regional Conference caucus.


Two UCC Board members spoke on Bylaws changes that are coming up for vote this year.


Penn Southeast Conference Minister Bill Worley talked about the revised Manual on Ministry as a representative of the Habakkuk Group.


Kristina Lizardy-Hajbi from the UCC Center for Analytics, Research and Data (CARD) explained a different approach to planning a mission for church vitality by doing impactful, measured outcomes.


The Aloha gang ate at Kona Grill. They actually have a restaurant called Kona Grille with fish flown in from Hawai'i.


- Ken Makuakane

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