Kaua'i Church Sustains Damage in Recent Floods
We were all glued to our televisions, Facebook and the internet as we were gripped by news coverage of the recent flood damage on the island of Kaua'i. One of our churches, Wai'oli Hui'ia Church in Hanalei, suffered extensive flood damage to their 100+ year old Mission Hall, church office and parsonage. The church leaders are assessing the damage to the building and beginning the cleanup efforts. The Hawai'i Conference UCC has a Hawai'i Disaster Relief Fund to assist with situations such as this. If churches or individuals wish to make donations to assist with recovery efforts, checks may be made payable to the HCUCC with a notation, “Hawai'i Disaster Relief Fund,” and mailed to the Conference Office. Read a letter to the churches from Gabrielle Chavez and Richard Kamanu and view photos of Wai'oli Hui'ia Church. Thank you for your kokua and continued prayers.
Friends and family of Wai'oli Hui'ia Church have begun the task of cleaning up following the recent floods on Kaua'i. Donations can be made to their Facebook Go Fund Me account at gofundme.com/waioli-huiia as a direct donation to the church. The Hawai'i Conference Office will also continue to accept donations, with checks made payable to HCUCC with a notation, “Hawai'i Disaster Relief Fund.”
Koloa Union Church is reaching out to their neighbors who were affected by the flooding, serving as a drop-off center for donations on the south shore of Kaua'i. Church members and others are invited to donate items which will be distributed to flood victims. Donations may be dropped off on Sunday mornings, Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., or by appointment. For further information, or for a list of most urgently needed items, click HERE.