Environmental Stewardship Resources
The United Church of Christ has long been a leader in the environmental justice movement. Below are resources to assist congregations in stewarding God's creation.
Green Justice Congregations:
Click HERE to learn more about what it means to be a congregation that cares for the earth around it. Learn ways we can help ensure the world is a good and healthy place for people for generations to come. This article presents a lot of good ideas, and includes a link to a survey you can fill out in your church. As you do so, you may be amazed at some of the things you can learn about your congregation’s impact on the environment, and also learn some things you can do to improve that.
Click HERE to fill out a Green Justice Congregation survey.
Hawai‘i Interfaith Power and Light:
Hawai‘i Interfaith Power and Light, the state chapter of the national Interfaith Power and Light (IPL) network, provides a wealth of environmental stewardship information useful to local churches. This organization began in the Episcopal church in 1996 and has spread across the country. Their Mission Statement reads: "As faithful stewards of aloha aina (the living earth community), Hawai‘i Interfaith Power and Light engages faith communities to raise awareness of global warming and create inspirational solutions."
Click HERE to view the Interfaith Power and Light national website.