197th 'Aha Pae'āina Votes to Call David Popham
June 14, 2019
On June 8 at Kaumakapili Church in Honolulu, the 197th 'Aha Pae'āina voted to call the Rev. Dr. David Kentner Popham to serve as the Hawai'i Conference Minister. It is anticipated that he will begin serving in this position sometime in mid-September 2019.
David writes:
"Aloha members of the Hawai'i Conference, UCC! It was good to have a chance to meet you and hear the aspirations and as well as the reservations you have about the future. I came away with a profound sense of mahalo for the candid and open discussions of the past two weeks. Kerrie and I look forward to completing the move and being in Hawai'i by early September. I pray God's continued blessings upon the congregations and pastors of the HCUCC."
We extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the Conference Minister Search Committee, under the guidance of Chairperson Woody Kita, for their dedication, hard work, countless hours of meetings, thoughtful deliberations, and unwaivering faith in the process. Thank you for a job well done!