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Update on the Feasibility Study

Hawai‘i Conference Office

Originally published in the Coconut Wireless, November 10, 2021.

Conference Minister David Popham answers some questions about the Feasibility Study.

Q: Is the Feasibility Study the same as the Capital Campaign?

A: No. The Feasibility Study seeks your wisdom on the goals of the Campaign. Think of the Feasibility Study as a time of public comment and listening.

Q: What if I disagree with the goals as outlined in the Study?

A: The goals of the Capital Campaign largely represent the commitment of funds made by the Conference before I arrived as the new Conference Minister. I do not know if these fund commitments are still valid or not, but you do, and your response will guide the shape and purpose of the funds raised.

Q: Why were we not asked about this before the Study?

A: The process for a Capital Campaign that I was taught is: 1) Discuss the Campaign with the formal leadership. 2) Float in general terms the needs for the Campaign to the broader members. 3) Engage the membership through a Feasibility Study. Both the Foundation's Board of Trustees and the Conference Council have taken votes along the way as the Campaign proposal advanced. In the 'Aha Pae'āina of 2020 and the one in 2021, my written or verbal remarks contained Campaign goals, and now we are engaging you through the Study.

Q: Where did the names of those being interview come from?

A: The list provided was largely drawn from registration lists for the Church Leaders Event, the 'Aha Pae'āina, Associations' Mokupuni, as well as the various committee, teams, and leadership groups across the Conference. From this list of one hundred names, it is hoped that sixty interviews will take place.

We are approximately 57% through the interview process. If you have been contacted for an interview, but haven't set up a time yet, please do so. Your insights are shaping how things will be handled and the directions they will move in.

In conjunction with the interviews, which provide a "deep dive," there will also be an email survey sent out which will provide the "breadth" perspective. Should you receive this survey we ask that you take ten to fifteen minutes to provide your perspective and wisdom on this project.


Email Surveys Sent Out as Part of Feasibility Study

The Hawai'i Conference is looking to undertake a fundraising campaign to raise as much as $20 million to meet the needs for legacy properties, financial assistance and leadership development programs for Hawai'i clergy, leadership for our Hawaiian churches, new ministry development, special request funds, continuing education for clergy, and a missional emphasis on a Medical Debt Payoff Program.

A decision was made to conduct a feasibility and planning study first to determine how best to move forward with our vision. We are working with CCS Fundraising, a consulting firm with nearly 75 years of experience in assisting religious organizations and non-profit institutions, including many in Hawai'i, over the years.

We are nearing the end of the first phase of the study, with interviews being completed with a cross-sampling of individuals in our Conference. The second phase has just begun, with email surveys sent out to a broader range of individuals in an attempt to gather valuable feedback from a larger number of people.

We appreciate people's willingness to take the time to offer honest feedback and input to help guide us in this project. It is important to hear from as many voices as possible and we value everyone's input.


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