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Church Leaders Event 2019

February 27, 2019

View more photos on the Conference website or HCUCC Facebook page.

Church leaders from around the Hawai‘i Conference gathered at Nu‘uanu Congregational Church on Saturday, February 23 for the 2019 Church Leaders Event, sponsored by Our Church's Wider MissionThe keynote speaker was Hawai‘i Conference Minister for Church Vitality and the author of Grow Your Church, Tracy Barnowe, who led evidence-based, hands-on, interactive workshops on how to do the most effective forms of outreach. For tips, actions, and tools to grow your church, you can view her website


The opening message at the event was given by Pastor Eric Anderson of Church of the Holy Cross. His message "Live Aloha" is a call to each of us. You can read the full sermon HERE.



These four documents were among the materials distributed at the Church Leaders Event and are available for download here:


Opportunities for Outreach
Participants worked together with others from their island to make a list of events that happen in their community throughout the year that can be opportunities for outreach. They have all been compiled into this Community Events Calendar. 



Attendees should have received an email with an online survey. If you did not receive it, please email Your responses are greatly appreciated and will help to shape next year's event.

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