The Hawai‘i delegates at opening worship of General Synod.
A packed house at the June 30 Member In Discernment breakfast.
Kahikolu Congregational Church member Naleen Andrade and Pualani Akaka of Ho‘olehua Congregational Church attend the June 30 Member In Discernment breakfast.
Learning about "temporary benevolent military occupations," the term Israel has been using for 50 years for the occupied territories like the West Bank, in one of a dozen Educational Intensives opening the 31st General Synod.
Caroline Peters Belsom, from Waiola Church, and who is chair of the Disposition Committee (of resolutions) of the UCC Board, gives a report to Synod delegates!
Hawai‘i delegates gather for lunch at Pratt Street Ale House, across from the Baltimore Convention Center.
2,751 people registered at Synod as of the start, Friday, June 30. Expect to see a lot more over the weekend.
Outside of the Baltimore Convention Center, site of General Synod 31.
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