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Reflections on 2022 COREM Convocation

Hawai‘i Conference Office

The United Church of Christ's Council for Racial and Ethnic Ministries (COREM) held its first Convocation in 16 years June 23 – 26, at Sonoma State University in Northern California. Under the theme, “Go MAD—Go Make a Difference,” members of six historically underrepresented groups in the UCC, Council of American Indians Ministry (CAIM); Colectivo de UCC Latinx Ministries; Ministers for Racial, Social, and Economic Justice (MRSEJ); Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries (PAAM); United Black Christians (UBC); and the United Samoan Ministry of the UCC (USM) came together for worship, learning, discussion, and fellowship.

Sam Masilamoney, Kahu of Kona Lanakila Congregational Church on Hawai‘i Island, attended the Convocation and shared his reflections on the event. Read Sam's reflection below.

National PAAM / COREM Convocation Report

By Sam Masilamoney

It was indeed an honor to attend the National PAAM / COREM Conference, organized by the California-Nevada Conference of the United Church of Christ. The Convocation was held at Sonoma State University in California from June 23-26, 2022. It was a four-day event and a total of 91 Minister and Lay Leaders from the UCC were present for this historical gathering, where six regions of PAAM / COREM were present, representing Pacific Islander and Asian American Ministries (PAAM), United Black Christians (UBC), Ministers for Racial, Social and Economic Justice (MRSEJ) and United Samoan Ministries (USM).

The programs, workshops, and town hall meetings provided reports of what God is doing through these ministries. It was an honor for me to be invited to speak in one of the PAAM Plenary about Hawaii PAAM and the presentation was well received. I met some old friends and I was able to make new friends and we convent together to pray for each other and support their ministries.

One of the highlights of the event was the Multi-Cultural Talent Night on Saturday where various PAAM churches did singing and dancing. It was a wonderful event.

Closing the Convocation was a Worship Service and Communion.

Our next PAAM Convention will be held here in Hawai‘i in 2024 and we are excited about it.

I want to mahalo our AHEC NLHE Program Committee for providing me the grant to attend this historical event and to learn and appreciate various cultures and how we can support their Ministries.

Humbly submitted,

Rev. Sam Masilamoney

Kona Lanakila Church


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