Recognitions and Appreciation at the 198th ‘Aha Pae‘āina
In the closed online business meeting for ‘Aha delegates on Saturday, October 10, 2020, a number of individuals and churches were celebrated and recognized for their ministry in the past year.
Pastors New to Ministry in Hawai‘i
We welcomed seven clergy members to the Hawai‘i Conference:
John Carr, Lihu‘e Christian Church, island of Kaua‘i
Abraham Han, Manoa Valley Church, island of O‘ahu
Steve Jerbi, Lāna‘i Union Church, island of Lana‘i
Scott Landis, Keawala‘i Church, island of Mau‘i
Malaeotofiga Levaula, Amataga Fou Church, island of O‘ahu
Eric Lucy, Wai‘oli Hui‘ia Church, island of Kaua‘i
Robin Lunn, Makawao Union Church, island of Maui
In Memoriam We remembered three clergy who passed in the past year:
Donald Sevetson, former Conference Minister
Clement Malani, kahu
Grant Lee, pastor, former Associate Conference Minister
We celebrated clergy anniversaries:
Richard Chun, ordained in 1950, 70th anniversary
Hidemi Tsutsui, ordained 1955, 65th anniversary
Donald Asman, ordained in 1960, 60th anniversary
David Hirano, ordained in 1960, 60th anniversary
David Kaupu, ordained in 1960, 60th anniversary
Allan Lee, ordained in 1960, 60th anniversary
James Merseberg, ordained in 1960, 60th anniversary
David Twigg, ordained in 1960, 60th anniversary
Choo Lak Yeow, ordained in 1970, 50th anniversary
Rennie Mau, ordained in 1980, 40th anniversary
Philip Reller, ordained in 1980, 40th anniversary
Jayne Ryan Kuroiwa, ordained in 1980, 40th anniversary
Tom Fujita, ordained in 1985, 35th anniversary
Darren Galindo, ordained in 1985, 35th anniversary
Alan Akana, ordained in 1990, 30th anniversary
Lauren Buck Medeiros, ordained in 1990, 30th anniversary
Kalani Wong, ordained in 1990, 30th anniversary
Janice Ogoshi, ordained in 1995, 25th anniversary
We celebrated church anniversaries:
Kawaiaha’o Church, organized in 1820, 200th anniversary
Mokuaikaua Church, organized in 1820, 200th anniversary
Waimea UCC, organized in 1820, 200th anniversary
‘Ōla‘a First Hawaiian Church, organized in 1835, 185th anniversary
Hau‘oli Kamana‘o Kona, organized in 1865, 155th anniversary
Ko‘olau Hui’ia Protestant Church, organized in 1865, 155th anniversary
Opihikao Congregational Church, organized in 1865, 155th anniversary
Pu’ula United Church of Christ, organized in 1865, 155th anniversary
Waihe‘e Protestant Church, organized in 1865, 155th anniversary
Kalanikahua Hou Congregational Church, organized in 1875, 145th anniversary
Lahuiokalani Kaanapali Cong, organized in 1880, 140 anniversary
Pa‘ia Hawaiian Protestant Church, organized in 1880, 140th anniversary
Nu’uanu Congregational Church, organized in 1885, 135th anniversary
‘Īao United Church of Christ, organized in 1895, 125th anniversary
Līhu‘e Christian Church, organized in 1900, 120th anniversary
United Church of Christ – Judd Street, organized in 1915, 105th anniversary
Keolahou Congregational Church, organized in 1920, 100th anniversary
Stewardship Recognition
We recognized churches for their leadership in giving.
Highest total dollar support (OCWM + 4 special offerings):
Nu‘uanu Congregational Church
United Church of Christ—Judd Street
Central Union Church
Church of The Holy Cross
Hanapepe United Church of Christ
Community Church of Honolulu
Church of the Crossroads
Mānoa Valley Church
Hawai‘i Kai United Church of Christ
Waiokeola Congregational Church
Līhu‘e United Church
Kapa‘a United Church of Christ
‘Īao United Church of Christ
Keawala‘i Congregational Church
Highest per capita giving:
Lahuiokalani Ka‘anapali Congregational
Hanapepe United Church of Christ
Puka‘ana Congregational Church
Ewa Community Church
Wai‘oli Hui‘ia Church
Ho‘olehua Congregational Church
Church of The Holy Cross
Nu‘uanu Congregational Church
Community Church of Honolulu
United Church of Christ—Judd Street
Hawaii Kai United Church of Christ
Hokuloa United Church of Christ
Kōloa Union Church
Increased giving that was double or more over the previous year:
Kalahikiola Congregational Church
Laupahoehoe Congregational Church
Hanapepe United Church of Christ
Līhu‘e Christian Church
Nahiku Hawaiian Church
Kalua‘aha Congregational Church
Kalihi and Moanalua Church
Kaumakapili Church
First Samoan Congregational Christian Church of Hawai‘i--Hakimo
Honolulu Marshallese Ministry
Windward Samoan Congregational Christian Church
United Church of Christ Pohnpei Maui
"5 for 5" Churches The following churches are "5 for 5", meaning they are leaders in providing support to Our Church’s Wider Mission and the four Special Mission Offerings of the United Church of Christ (One Great Hour of Sharing, Strengthen the Church, Neighbors In Need, The Christmas Fund):
Church of the Holy Cross
First United Protestant Church
United Community Church
Hilo Coast United Church of Christ
Living Stones Church
Puka‘ana Congregational Church
Hokuloa United Church of Christ
Lanakila Congregational Church
‘Ōla‘a First Hawaiian Church
Kahikolu Congregational Church
Pu‘ula United Church of Christ
Opihikao Congregational Church
Kauaha‘ao Congregational Church
Ko‘olau Hui‘ia Protestant Church
Wai‘oli Hui‘ia Church
Hanapepe Hawaiian Congregational Church
Hanapepe United Church of Christ
Kapa‘a United Church of Christ
Kōloa Union Church
Līhu‘e Christian Church
Līhu‘e United Church
Līhu‘e Union Church
Lāna‘i Union Church
Lahuiokalani Ka‘anapali Congregational
Waiola Church
Po‘okela Church
‘Īao United Church of Christ
Ho‘olehua Congregational Church
Kalaiakamanu Hou Congregational Church
Lili‘uokalani Protestant Church
Central Union Church
Community Church of Honolulu
First Chinese Church of Christ
Nu‘u lotu
Kalihi and Moanalua Church
Kosrae Honolulu Congregational Church
Kaumakapili Church
Kawaiaha‘o Church
Mānoa Valley Church
Moanalua Community Church
Nu‘uanu Congregational Church
United Church of Christ Judd Street
Waiokeola Congregational Church
Chuukese Congregational Church of Christ (Kailua)
Kailua Christian Church
Kahikuonalani United Church of Christ
Waialua United Church of Christ

The Bicentennial Logo We also recognized Myrna-Lyn Diaz Abang of Ewa Community Church who created the HCUCC Bicentennial logo and won a prize for her design in a contest hosted earlier in the year. Read more about the artist and the logo HERE.