Racial Justice
Education and Resources
This racial equity series is sponsored by the Judiciary’s Committee on Equality and Access to the Courts, the Judiciary History Center, and the Hawaiʻi State Bar Association’s Civic Education Committee.
"Hawaii As 'Racial Paradise'? Bid For Obama Library Invokes A Complex Past"
"The mythology of Hawaii as racial paradise has enjoyed political utility well beyond the statehood debate."
"Hawai'i As A Cure For Racism? Some Say Not"
"Lipe believes the idea of Hawaiʻi as America’s melting pot masks issues like institutional racism and colonialism that live on in the islands."
"Want to Be Less Racist? Move to Hawaii"
"Many Hawaiian academics are understandably sick of their state being seen by outsiders as a model of racial harmony. They view it as a fantasy that papers over very real inequities."
"The Negro in Hawai‘i"
"The reality is that contemporary Black identities are complex in ways that are informed by Black identities in the Americas, anti-Blackness in the Pacific, and in ways that are distinctly rooted in the social life of Hawai‘i."
"Settlers of Color and "Immigrant" Hegemony: "Locals" in Hawai‘i"
By Haunani-Kay Trask
"Possessions of Whiteness: Settler Colonialism and Anti-Blackness in the Pacific"
"In this respect, settler colonialism in the Pacific noticeably overlaps with white supremacy, valorizing whiteness in its supposedly most natural state—Polynesians—as a method of naturalizing and normalizing white settler presence in the Pacific. "
Asian Settler Colonialism:
From Local Governance to the Habits of Everyday Life in Hawai‘i
Edited by Candace Fujikane and Jonathan Y. Okamura, this groundbreaking collection examines the roles of Asians as settlers in Hawai‘i.
Ethnicity and Inequality in Hawai'i
"Challenging the dominant view of Hawai’i as a “melting pot paradise”—a place of ethnic tolerance and equality—Jonathan Okamura examines how ethnic inequality is structured and maintained in island society."
The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery (1:42:57)
Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III's (Trinity UCC) cinematic sermon entitled, "The Cross and the Lynching Tree: A Requiem for Ahmaud Arbery" (22:45) is followed by a panel of four respected thought leaders, racial justice advocates and UCC pastors discussing the impact of historical and present-day acts of racism and violence towards African Americans and how the Christian Church can be actively involved in dismantling racism.
"No Justice No Peace" Youth & Young Adult Racial Justice Rally (1:14:38)
Young people of color within the United Church of Christ gathered with special guests to host a virtual rally around race relations and justice providing immediate actions as well as the development of a long-term strategy to engage in dismantling racism.
"White Silence is Violence" Youth & Young Adult Racial Justice Rally (1:06:33)
This rally is geared to hearing and equipping white allies to engage in the racial justice efforts in America, providing immediate actions as well as the development of a long-term strategy to engage dismantling racism.
Talking About Race (National Museum of African American History & Culture)
“Talking about race, although hard, is necessary. We are here to provide tools and guidance to empower your journey and inspire conversation.”
An online collection of resources to support our journey together on the road of justice and grace. A page by the Council for Health and Human Services Ministry of the UCC.
The United Church of Christ
is called to be an
Intersections: Racism and…
"It is important that we work to understand the intersections of racism and the many other justice issues we are concerned about. How does racism intersect with issues like poverty, voting rights or environmental justice? Through prayer and reflection we can learn to understand the issue of racial justice in a more holistic way."
Sacred Conversations to End Racism
“In 2018 Sacred Conversations to End Racism (SC2ER), a Restorative Racial Justice Journey curriculum was created to address and dismantle racism within the Christian Church and society.”
White Privilege: Let's Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue
This adult curriculum from the United Church of Christ is designed to invite church members to engage in safe, meaningful, substantive, and bold conversations on race.